Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday Night Depression

I don't know about other people but I always feel crapy on Sunday night....... I have to go the school tomorrow morning! ahhhhhhh. After the two-day weekend I'm just soooooo relaxed and who wants to go to school..... I wish I could finish this school non-sense soon enough, lol.


  1. Hi Pingypie!
    I don't have to go to school but I feel EXACTLY the same way on Sunday nights! I guess it because I just LOVE the weekends. I get to be with my husband all weekend long, which fortunately after 17 years of marriage--that's a good thing! I like the pace of Saturday & Sunday. OH WELL .... you're not alone! Keep on plugging along, you'll be glad you did!!
    XXOO, Jujubeader (a/k/a Judy) :)

  2. Judy! I'm so happy to see you here! ME TOO, I love weekends way too much, lol. These two days are the only days I get to spend with my boyfriend and that's always a lot of fun! I'm SOOOO HAPPY for you, Judy. I only wish I could keep the relationship fresh,haha!

